Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A Korean Lunch

Hi all!  I'm in Incheon, South Korea where the temperature is well below freezing and the food is delicious!  For lunch today, our friend James took us to a local restaurant -- shoes off at the entrance, seating was on cushions on the floor.

A bowl of roasted rice tea was ladled into the cup, and was as much a hand warmer as it was delicious.  It was made by browning rice in a skillet, and pouring water over until it boiled.  Instead of continuing on to cook the rice, the water was poured into the bowl and served for our drink.
Rice Tea -- made by browning rice in a skillet, pouring water over until boiling, and then drinking that water
Quickly following the tea service, a big tray of sliced, boiled pork was brought to us along with a whole host of "panchons" - side dishes with loads of garlic, cabbage, radishes chilis and sauces.

The steamed Napa cabbage (at least that's what we call it at home) was the base for the rolls we would create.  After first separating the fat from the meat, the pork was laid on the cabbage and topped with kim chee, spicy radish, a green chili, and for the truly brave (not me) a slice of raw garlic.

Meat, Kim Chee, Radish and Chili all put onto the steamed cabbage, roll it up and tuck it away.

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